Muzika Organika – Cacao Dance Festival, Slovenija, 25.-27.8.2023


Muzika Organika – Cacao Dance Festival, na katerem bodo nastopili Mose, Sam Garrett, Tebra, Roaman in drugi

Smo razprodani. Hvala za vašo podporo. Bistven delež zaslužka od prodaje vstopnic smo namenili za žrtve poplav v sLOVEniji. 💚 Hvala!


Petek, 25. avgust od 10:00 – nedelja, 27. avgust do večera

Mažijev Grič, Gradiško jezero – Lukovica, 1225 Lukovica, SLOVENIJA
Google maps:

na Fienti

Dobrodošli na Muzika Organika, butičnem Cacao Dance Festivalu, ki ponuja edinstveno in intimno doživetje ob čarobnem jezeru. Muzika organika združuje nekaj najbolj nadarjenih umetnikov, vokalistov in DJev iz področja organske glasbe. Soustvarjali bodo DJ Mose (GT), Sam Garrett (UK), Tebra (SRB), Roaman (ITA), Bruna Bortolato (BR), Indra (CRO), OZemljen (SLO), Katyeuum (SLO) in drugi. Skupaj bodo poskrbeli za nepozabno glasbeno izkušnjo.


na Fienti

Več kot glasba

Vendar je festival Muzika Organika veliko več od glasbe! Pripravili smo celovit program za dušo in telo. Ustvariti želimo radostno izkušnjo za posameznike in družine. Če se želite potopiti globlje v svoje telo in izkusiti prednosti joge, se pridružite seansi joge ob spremljavi ritmov DJ MOSE-a, ali poskusite nežno obliko vadbe Qi Gong, ki vam bo pomagala vzpostaviti stik s svojo energijo, telesom in duhom. Na voljo bo tudi ženski pevski krog (singing circle), kjer boste lahko odprle svoj glas v varnem in spodbudnem okolju.

Poleg glasbenega in telesno-duhovnega programa bo na voljo tudi vrsta drugih dejavnosti, ki vas bodo zabavale in navdihnile. Pridružite se plesnemu tečaju, doživite čarobnost ognjene predstave ali se udeležite ene izmed umetniških delavnic. Med drugim bo na voljo edinstvena delavnica z naslovom “temelji zavestnega ustvarjanja pesmi” za tiste, ki jih zanima raziskovanje lastnih sposobnosti ustvarjanja glasbe.

Čarobno jezero

Festival se bo odvijal v objemu narave ob čarobnem jezeru, ki nudi popolno okolje za sprostitev in pomladitev. Ta družinam prijazen dogodek je zasnovan tako, da odpira srce, um in telo, ustvarja povezave in spodbuja udeležence, da uživajo v sedanjem trenutku. Skrbimo drug za drugega in ustvarjamo srčen prostor, kjer se lahko povežemo s podobno mislečimi posamezniki in delimo veselje ter hvaležnost za življenje. Pridite in doživite čar Muzika Organika – Cacao Dance Festivala in odidite navdihnjeni, prenovljeni in polni energije!

Kampiranje je na voljo brez doplačila.

To je zavestni festival brez alkohola.

Za nakup bo na voljo veganska in vegetarijanska hrana.

Obredni kakav je vključen v ceno.

Otroci do 14. leta se v spremstvu staršev udeležijo brezplačno.

Ob doplačilu 25 € lahko doživite tradicionalni obred temazcal, indijansko savno, ki se uporablja za fizično, čustveno, duhovno in energetsko čiščenje in zdravljenje. Prijave in plačila potekajo preko e-maila: prijavi vas prosimo, da navedete kateri dan se boste udeležili obreda. Šele po prejetju vašega plačila, bo rezervacija mesta zabeležena. Denarja za plačano rezervacijo ne vračamo, rezervacija je prenosljiva na drugo ime.


na Fienti



DJ & vokal set

Katyeuum is a music collaboration between two spirits, with a broad musical spectrum, where both of them want to transform their own perception of consciousness into creative ideas and engaging sound, that transcends beyond everyday music and it has its grounding in melody, rhythm and deep feelings.
They are also part of a local think alike group Psyght, where they share their music creation.

Listen to Katyeuum at

Stream Inner Power by Bruna Bortolato | Listen online for free on SoundCloudBruna Bortolato

Dance/Movement class (Contact Beyond Contact)

Bruna is a spiritual mentor & women’s empowerment coach, movement teacher, ceremonialist and cacao space holder from Brazil. She teaches embodiment through sacred movement, a practice of being in your body—that ignites creativity, connection, and community. Her main focus in this practice is to hold space by creating a safe-boundaries-environment in which people can integrate, transform and heal in body, mind, heart and spirit.
Read more about Bruna here:

 © 2022 Ezyê Art, all rights reserved to Roaman Music_color2369.jpgRoaman

Live set

Roaman is a singer-songwriter, storyteller and “artivist” from Italy who weaves irresistible melodies with soulful and thought-provoking lyrics to amplify joy & truth as a global catalyst for positive change.

Rooted in folk and reggae, with influences that range from gospel and medicine music to hip hop, Roaman has been “making the revolution irresistible” and inspiring international audiences with his signature, uplifting original music, infectious rhythms and conscious lyricism since 2013.
More of Roaman music at

Cacao Ceremony

with Bruna Bortolato & Mose

In the last 2 year and half Bruna has dedicated her life to the Spirit of Cacao. Bruna together with Mose have been hosting cacao ceremonies all over
the world and also in the sacred land of the Mayans-Guatemala. Her intention is to bring cacao to the world so everyone can experience, feel and integrate the ancient wisdom into their lives. Her mission is to contribute towards a more loving and compassionate world.

Bruna believes that Cacao is a portal, that
integrating cacao as a precious ritual into our lives is a way of cultivating gratitude to our Planet Earth and also to fully experience love that arises within from a place where we can feel fully supported to live a life.
Read more about Bruna here:

Mose & Sam Garrett Live Set

These artist need no introduction. Mose and Sam Garrett will open our hearts to new possibilities.

Mose is based in Guatemala where cacao ceremonies and ecstatic dance have had a major influence on his productions and DJ style. It is here that he founded regular cacao dances where members of the community have the opportunity to journey deep into dance while held in a ceremonial container, free of alcohol.

Beyond the multicultural rhythms and the steady hypnotic beat, Mose weaves ephemeral chanting of sacred songs and calls to love, kindness and compassion, often bringing in live musicians to create something improvisational connected with that particular place and time. He creates with the intention to set a foundation for self discovery and the cultivation of a present minded state which offers new insights and deeper clarity in ones purpose.

When he is not touring the world or playing these special events in Guatemala, he spends his time going into extended periods of retreat and silence, only to emerge with a deeper, truer and more refined sound. He also supports other emerging artists through his record label Resueño with an intention to bring resonant souls together to create music that uplifts and inspires. The label transcends any particular cultural aesthetic and explores a universal vibration through weaving sounds and languages from around the world. It is also a vehicle for social causes as 50% of all label profits are donated to causes around the world to help those most in need.

Read more about Mose here:
More music from MOSE at:

Read more about Sam Garrett here:
More music from Sam Garrett at:

See below for more about Sam Garrett


DJ Set

OZemljen je sveža DJ reinkarnacija Gregorja Zemljiča, planetarno delujočega glasbenega producenta, ki se zadnja leta primarno ukvarja z organsko plesno glasbo ter “medicine music” projekti, ki se uprabljajo v raznovrstnih enthenogenih ceremonijah.
Več kot 10 let ekskluzivno sodeluje z najbolj uveljavljenimi izvajalci te zvočnosti, kot so Desert Dwellers, Deya Dova, Mose, Liquid Bloom, Porangui, Temple Step Project in mnogi drugi.
Po večletni DJ pavzi se vrača na odre z eklektičnim DJ setom plesne organske glasbe, katero bo v živo remiksal z lastnimi ritmičnimi podlagami, ter jo podprl z perkusivnimi loopi izvajanimi v živo.



Andraž Purger

Qigong modrosti

Vadba Qigong Modrosti (Zhineng Qigong) vključuje znanja in skrivnosti različnih Qigong stilov ter deluje na treh nivojih bivanja: informacija/um – energija/čustva – materija/telo. Vodena meditacija na začetku vadbe poveže srce in um ter pomaga ozavestit informacijsko polje okoli telesa. S počasnim čuječim gibanjem bomo razbremenili živčni sistem, odprli energijske poti v telesu in se sprostili. Na ta način se bo telo umirilo, napolnilo z energijo, regeneriralo. Vadba je enostavna in primerna za vse starosti. Vadbo vodi Zhineng Qigong učitelj in terapevt Andraž Purger,


Additionally, at an additional cost of 25€, you can experience a traditional temazcal ceremony, a Native American sweat lodge used for physical and emotional healing, as well as purification and spiritual connection. Applications are taken directly at the email Click HERE for additional info about the Temascal.


Bruna Bortolato & Mose 

Yoga session & DJ set

Get ready to move and groove with Bruna Bortolato and DJ Mose! Join us for a unique yoga experience that blends Bruna’s expert guidance with Mose’s organic beats. You’ll flow through a dynamic yoga practice while DJ Mose provides the perfect soundtrack to uplift your spirit and deepen your connection to your body. This is yoga like you’ve never experienced it before, so come prepared to move, breathe, and dance your way into bliss.



Workshop – Foundations of Conscious Songwriting

The workshop is called *”Foundations of Conscious Songwriting”* where I teach the basics and offer a more holistic approach to the more technical aspects of song writing (structure, rhymes, rhythm, flow etc…), I share methods for greater and clearer introspection and self-inquiry necessary to know what we actually want to say and why, and eventually guide people step by step through the process that leads from finding inspiration and cultivating a simple idea to the creation of authentic, relatable and beautiful music. The workshop is open to all levels.

More about Roaman at


DJ Set

Indra is a DJane and Ecstatic dance Croatia founder, active in music for 20 years. She plays at various events promoting alternative culture as well as at the international radio stations. Today she is resident at Mo:Dem, one of the best underground psychedelic festivals in Europe and line up adviser for many festivals and events.
Indra’s first serious excursion into the world of music was 2002. when she edited music program and hosted the radio project “Baraka”, a world music show. As a part of DJ’s and promoters gathered around the Baraka Collective, she organized and acted at various ethnic-world, dub, downbeat events.
In November 2014. she compiled VA Forest Garden, including her favorite artists, most of them also involved in gardening and natural way of living. The compilation symbolizes life cycle, transformation of mankind and the Earth. It is a call for a waking up and going back to the roots values and sustainable way of living. Compilation “Spiral Roots” is bringing us on a path of organic bridge created between the roots of the Earth and our existence. “Tribal Steps” compilations were inspired by ecstatic dance and tribes gathering with a variety of sounds and tempos, inviting for more gatherings like in ancient times. Last compilation “Horns of Veles” is a fusion of Croatian traditional music with modern psychedelic chill music.
Indra’s sound is a fusion of floating mystical atmospheres and deep dub bass lines with ethnic & organic elements, including conscious bass, psydub, tribal, shamanic, global bass and other downtempo to midtempo styles with a taste of psychedelic. Her original sets are known by feminine subtlety and her art of telling a story through music.
As in real life, she draws her inspiration from nature, spirituality and traditions of ancient cultures. She often includes live instruments (trumpet, flute, didgeridoo, bansouri, douduk, guitar, melodica, synth, percussions…), so you can expect live music, dancing, warm communication with the audience and pure positive vibes in her sets.

Bruna Bortolato

DJ set

Join us for a one-of-a-kind musical experience with Bruna Bortolato’s organic DJ set! Using organic sounds, Bruna will create a unique and immersive musical journey that will take you on a journey of the senses. From the beats to the melodies, every sound is carefully crafted to create a harmonious and uplifting experience. Get ready to move, dance, and connect with the music. Bruna’s organic DJ set is a must-see for anyone who loves music and wants to experience it in a whole new way.

Music Sets from Bruna at

Sam Garrett

Live performance

Sam Garrett is an English Singer-songwriter whose music highlights his spiritual journey exploring Eastern Philosophy, Meditation, Yoga and Rastafari Wisdom. Lyrically soulful and devotionally talented, Sam’s music uplifts enlivens and inspires the hearts and souls of people all over the world.

With a skillful combination of vocals and guitar, he lifts the mood with reggae riffs such as ‘Lost In the Moment’ and soothes our busy minds with the soft tones of ‘Higher Than the Mountains,’ offering a unique journey and depth that is rare to experience.

Read more about Sam Garrett here:
More music from Sam Garrett at:


DJ Set

Tebra has spent the last 20 years of his music production and DJing career honing a distinct and unforgettable signature sound with an extensive discography, including original releases and a wealth of solid remixes for notable labels.
The music Tebra creates has earned critical acclaim in the organic, Afro, and progressive house music genres and could best be described as the most honest expression of emotional sound exploration.
His ongoing progress as a live performer is strongly intertwined with the authenticity of his creative process, which is dedicated to generating unexpected sounds that never fail to communicate, engage, and move.

Listen to Tebra music at

—— SUNDAY ——

Andraž Purger

Qigong modrosti

Vadba Qigong Modrosti (Zhineng Qigong) vključuje znanja in skrivnosti različnih Qigong stilov ter deluje na treh nivojih bivanja: informacija/um – energija/čustva – materija/telo. Vodena meditacija na začetku vadbe poveže srce in um ter pomaga ozavestit informacijsko polje okoli telesa. S počasnim čuječim gibanjem bomo razbremenili živčni sistem, odprli energijske poti v telesu in se sprostili. Na ta način se bo telo umirilo, napolnilo z energijo, regeneriralo. Vadba je enostavna in primerna za vse starosti. Vadbo vodi Zhineng Qigong učitelj in terapevt Andraž Purger,


Additionally, at an additional cost of 25€, you can experience a traditional temazcal ceremony, a Native American sweat lodge used for physical and emotional healing, as well as purification and spiritual connection. Read more about the Temascal HERE. Applications are taken directly at the email

Retreats & Gatherings - Sing for JoyWomen’s Singing circle

Join us for a transformative experience as we raise our voices in song at our women’s singing circle. We’ll create a safe and sacred space for you to explore your voice, connect with others, and experience the power of group singing. You’ll leave feeling uplifted, energized, and connected to your voice and your community.


Ecstatic Dance

The practice is inspired by the traditional dances of indigenous cultures, which often involved trance-like states and spiritual connections to the natural world. As the music builds and shifts, participants are invited to explore a full range of movement and emotion, from wild abandon to quiet stillness. There are no judgments, no right or wrong ways to move, and no expectations about how anyone should dance. The practice is meant to be freeing and empowering, allowing participants to connect with their bodies, their emotions, and their community.

Many people find that ecstatic dance is a transformative experience that helps them release stress, anxiety, and pent-up emotions. It can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, allowing participants to connect with themselves and others in a safe and supportive environment. For those who love to dance, ecstatic dance can be a joyful and uplifting way to express themselves, connect with others, and experience the beauty of movement and music.


DJ & vocal set

Katyeuum is a music collaboration between two spirits, with a broad musical spectrum, where both of them want to transform their own perception of consciousness into creative ideas and engaging sound, that transcends beyond everyday music and it has its grounding in melody, rhythm and deep feelings.
They are also part of a local think alike group Psyght, where they share their music creation.

Listen to Katyeuum at


Deep Ambient DJ Set

OZemljen je sveža DJ reinkarnacija Gregorja Zemljiča, planetarno delujočega glasbenega producenta, ki se zadnja leta primarno ukvarja z organsko plesno glasbo ter “medicine music” projekti, ki se uprabljajo v raznovrstnih enthenogenih ceremonijah.
Več kot 10 let ekskluzivno sodeluje z najbolj uveljavljenimi izvajalci te zvočnosti, kot so Desert Dwellers, Deya Dova, Mose, Liquid Bloom, Porangui, Temple Step Project in mnogi drugi.
Po večletni DJ pavzi se vrača na odre z eklektičnim DJ setom plesne organske glasbe, katero bo v živo remiksal z lastnimi ritmičnimi podlagami, ter jo podprl z perkusivnimi loopi izvajanimi v živo.

V nedeljo bo izvedel dnevni “deep ambient” DJ set, s katerim nas bo popeljal na dvourno, ambientalno glasbeno zvočno potovanje, kjer bo vsak slušatelj lahko v sproščenem položaju telesa izvajal sebi lastne meditativne ali dihalne tehnike.


na Fienti


(vključuje vse opisane izvajalce)


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na Fienti

PredhodnjiPretekli dogodki – začutite našo energijo
NaslednjiTemascal – obredna staroselska potilnica