Heart Connection 18:18

Oseba v meditaciji
Povezovanje v srcu 18:18

Heart Connection brings us closer to ourselves

Heart connection is a deep contact with ourselves and with a new emerging community of compassionate and heartfelt people, each day at 6:18 pm to go beyond our patterns and habits and connect in compassion and love. We create a space within ourselves to put aside our worries and allow life to unfold to our highest good, while at the same time giving strong heart support to ourselves and to everything.

Heart and mind traveling lovingly together.
For a compassionate tomorrow.

It is an opportunity to stop, even for a moment and to connect with ourselves.

We will share: love for ourselves and everything, acceptance, insight into what we are, removing obstacles, discovering our heart path, awareness that life can take care of us better than we can imagine.

Expressing intention: Compassion and love for ourself, for one’s neighbour, for all beings and creation.


Compassion and love for oneself, for our loved ones, for all beings and creation.


Love for ourselves and for everything, acceptance, insight into what we are, removal of obstacles, discovering our heart path, awareness that life can take care of us better than we can imagine.


  • We sit in a comfortable position.
  • Let’s close our eyes.
  • We loosen by taking a deep breath three times and relax into the exhalation fully.
  • We place our palm, palms or namaskar on the heart wheel (anahata).
  • We become an observer of our breath.
  • Mentally, while inhaling we think of the words “I am”, and while exhaling, the word “love.”
  • We feel the vibration of the words.
  • Whispering mind is not important, we are focused on the moment, the process of connecting with ourselves, the community, nature and the universe.
  • If we feel uncomfortable holding our palms on the heart wheel, let them rest in their lap.
  • After about seven minutes, let’s stop the mental repetition, but stay out of breath.
  • We have our eyes closed for as long as we are comfortable, feeling and letting go.
  • In the end, we thank our hearts, the hearts of those involved and all our hearts.


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Bowing heartfully

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